Search Result (3)

Letter from Amnesty International's Noa Kleinman, expressing concern over the non-disclosure of names/country of origin of thirteen Guantanamo detainees who were transferred for release. The letter urges the disclosure of the information. The ...
Nov. 23, 2004
Colin L. Powell, Frank E. Schmelzer
Omar Ahmed Khadr
Letter from Amnesty International's Noa Kleinman, expressing concern over the non-disclosure of names/country of origin of thirteen Guantanamo detainees who were transferred for release. The letter urges the disclosure of the information. The ...
Nov. 23, 2004
George W. Bush, Frank E. Schmelzer
Omar Ahmed Khadr

Email includes news articles about high level detainees, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah and the "harsh" interrogation methods the CIA employs. The email includes another article, which reports specific accounts of abuse.